Neighborhood Free Shelves (Arlington MA)
To spread the use of Neighborhood Free Shelves, which reduce waste
by making it easy for neighbors to give and receive useful items
What are Neighborhood Free Shelves?
Free Shelves offer people a public area to leave useable items they don’t want. Other people can then browse items that have been left there and take for free any they might use. Free shelves can be large or small, indoors or outdoors. They can be placed outdoors on one person’s property, or be hosted by a community organization, school, church, temple, or mosque.
Why spread Neighborhood Free Shelves?
Free Shelves accomplish so much with so little!
Keep useable items out of landfill
Enable people to more easily declutter their homes
Support people who need to stretch their budgets
Build friendly connections among neighbors
You can contribute with little time--and without money, or special skills
Free Shelves fill an important niche in the town's goal of zero waste.
Neighborhood Free Shelves complement other local resources such as online sites and the town's Swap Shed.
Usually open 24/7 and in walking distance, Free Shelves make it easy for neighbors to give and receive.
Join in!
Host Free Shelves on your property
Organize Free Shelves for your neighborhood or organization
Bring your unwanted treasures to the nearest Free Shelves
Locate Free Shelves near you
Help maintain or supply nearby Free Shelves
Help this project spread Free Shelves throughout town
Use other online and town resources
Encourage other people you know to use them
Contact Arlington.Free.Shelves [at]
to get more information on the project